Do You Trust Your PBM? Leaders Speak Part 1 with David Dubrof

Posted on by myMatrixx

In a new article for Industry Publication WorkCompWire’s Leaders Speak series, myMatrixx Chief Sales Officer, David Dubrof, discusses how PBMs should be working to build trust with clients from day one. “The Power of Trust” will be a two-part series, with the second to feature Chief Client Officer, Paul King. David’s piece explores the critical nature of authentic trust in new business relationships.

Overall, David stresses that sales professionals in the workers’ comp PBM space can build trust by setting expectations and keeping promises from the very beginning. If a PBM has a good reputation, clear communication and the ability to set performance goals based on an established track record, prospective clients will be more likely to see them as a trustworthy entity. While establishing a new business relationship can be risky for both parties, David shows how authentically using the power of trust helps to overcome that risk.