WorkCompWire Leaders Speak: Navigating Our AI Future in Workers’ Compensation (Part Two)

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Workers' compensation artificial intelligence

While there is every reason to believe the AI future can be bright, it doesn’t mean it will be implemented smoothly and perfectly. As with many new technologies and developments, opinions on AI tend to fall roughly into camps of optimists or pessimists. While optimists focus on the potential upsides of AI that we discussed previously, pessimists tend to focus on the risks and dangers.

Instead of one camp or the other, the best position to take for AI may be one of vigilant optimism. To ensure the industry benefits from AI, workers’ compensation leaders and stakeholders should understand and take a clear look at the challenges and obstacles that this technology presents, both in general and specific to our industry. However, while they should be taken seriously, these are also hurdles that can be overcome with proper planning.

Beyond the Benefits: A Look at Potential Risks of AI Automation in Workers' Comp

In this second part of Navigating our AI Future in Workers’ Compensation, my colleague Phil Walls is joining me to help untangle some common objections and misconceptions about AI. With a background in AI, I’m someone who is far from a pessimist — but I have certainly encountered many common arguments against AI. That’s why I’m going to present five of the most relevant objections to AI in our industry and have Phil respond with solutions and ways to proactively address these challenges.

  • AI is just a fad
  • AI will put workers out of a job
  • Supervision of AI for quality and assurance is needed
  • AI data too segmented for accurate predictions
  • It won't close the innovation gap

To learn more about the future of AI in workers' compensation, read part one of our thought leadership series.